
As per Vaastu we Take Care of Houses, Farm Houses, Plots, Buildings, Shops, Factory, Cottages, Bungalows, Flats, Offices, Hotels, Hospitals, Motels, Commercial Complex, Film Studio, Studio, Apartments, etc.


About Vastu

vastu-about_vastu1The essence of Vastu is to reduce the gravity of the problems faced by human beings.Vastu is the bridge between man and nature. Everything is made up of basic five elements - FIRE, WATER, EARTH, SPACE, and AIR. All These elements are only found on earth that is why it is the only planet that supports life and nature. If the residential and commercial buildings are constructed without any regards to these elements then how would it will give any benefits? From each of the basic elements we are getting a strange precious gift due to infinite powers of the universe.
All materials in the world, irrespective of their size, shape, color, physical or chemical compositions have embedded their origins from one of the Panchbhootas . They enjoy peculiar vibration levels, which is evading the intelligence of human beings.
Vastu is in a position to reduce the gravity of the problems faced by human beings as well as industries particularly those suffering from sickness through vibrations of Panchbhootas which has anchored their roots in the body of the human beings as well as the external and internal building configurations.
Vastu Shastra unifies the science, art, astronomy and astrology, it can also be said as an ancient mystic science for designing and building. Vastu Shastra helps us to make our lives better and will secure from things going wrong. Vastu can be used for micro as well as for macro level. Designing a Home using Vastu is basically based on five essential elements and these are earth, fire, air, space and water. These five elements of Vastu are strategically distributed as per the system of Vastu.
Designing a Home using Vastu is considered as essential because it plays a great role in influencing one`s mood, personal and social life, thoughts as well as professional success. Vastu is a holistic science. Everything in the universe is composed of five basic elements - earth, water, fire, air and space. These are the elements upon which designing of a home using Vastu depends. It is also said that any violation in the principals of Vastu leads to pain and suffering. Thus, it is surely a very crucial aspect.
By means of the basic principles of Vastu, one can protect his home from the harmful solar rays. Each of the five elements of Vastu is connected with a direction. Like for instance, earth in the southwest, fire in the southeast, space in the centre, water in the northeast and air in the northwest. The principals of Vastu help in maintaining a proper balance in these elements and in their proper proportions. According to the system of Vastu, one can gain the benefits of happiness, health and prosperity. Ideally, a Vastu consultation should be done before planning a house. As in most cases this is not possible, generally people use Vastu when choosing an existing house, apartment or office or designing its interior.
Essential areas to be considered while designing a home using Vastu: Bedroom Vastu - Bedroom is a place to unwind and relax. So, one should be very careful before designing a bedroom. It requires detailed planning and designing. It is said the direction in which one sleeps affects the work ability as well as the private life. Thus, if the designing of a bedroom is not appropriate it is likely to have disturbed sleep,restlessness, frequent fight with the partner; enduring health problem and above all lack of peace. Proper care must be taken regarding the appropriate location of the bedroom in a home. Further, proper direction of the bed, the orientation of the entrance as well as the windows, placement of the bed, direction of the mirror, locker, dressing table, television, cooler, audio systems, and last but not least the position of telephone should be taken care of. Color scheme of the bedroom needs proper attention. 

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