
As per Vaastu we Take Care of Houses, Farm Houses, Plots, Buildings, Shops, Factory, Cottages, Bungalows, Flats, Offices, Hotels, Hospitals, Motels, Commercial Complex, Film Studio, Studio, Apartments, etc.


R.I. Member ID 6733480

    Rotary International District 3052
    Rotary Club Jaipur East (Distt. 3052)
    Chairman-RCJE Tree Plantation (07-08)
    Director-RC Jaipur Heritage (2008-09)
    Club Secretary-RC Jaipur Heritage (08-10)
    Chairman-RCJE आपदा एसोसिएट (10-11)
    Director-RC Jaipur East (2011-12)
    Director-RC Jaipur East (2012-13)
    Joint Secrectary-RC Jaipur East (13-14)
    Chairman-RCJE Polio Zone-6 (3052) (13-14)

    Secrectary- RC Jaipur East (14-15)

अन्य संस्थाओं में सदस्य

    वनबन्धु परिषद (Friends of Tribals Society)
    राजस्थान चैम्बर ऑफ़ कॉमर्स (RCCI) एसोसिएट मेम्बर
    श्री श्याम आशीष परिवार (रजि.)

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